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Our grand pantheon,
At the tongue of that river,
Our carriage awaits.
I have no answers,
Just a golden misspelt key,
A door to unlock.
So come away now,
They draw nigh, the unfaithfuls.
Their veils thrown open.
This holy cow
Not an exclamation mark,
Tis a steak, wise one.
All cluttered and high,
I know I can hear you through,
Their indifference.
Do I tell you this?
Do I not; petals agree,
Fate thinks otherwise.
All water, no air,
Our jar wasted inside out,
Today floats and drowns.
Time cannot catch up,
These whispers travel faster,
Light looks by ashamed.
The sky so heavy,
Your fingers reach out to burst,
My bubble of fear.
Sepia toned days,
This wait to hear your voice,
Soft winds of longing.